HeartSine AEDs
When it comes to saving lives, every second counts. That's why the HeartSine Samaritan Public Access Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are designed to be quick and easy to use. In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), these AEDs can provide automated, voice-guided prompts and CPR guidance for bystanders. With clear instructions and simple operation, even those with no medical training can use these devices to help save a life. And because they're portable and easy to store, HeartSine AEDs can be placed in a variety of locations - from businesses and office buildings to schools and sports stadiums.
HeartSine Samaritan PAD 350P AED, Semi-Automatic
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HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P AED, Fully-Automatic
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HeartSine Samaritan 450P AED with CPR Rate Advisor
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