AED Cabinets are already present in many facilities and currently we are seeing significant activity with adding EpiPens,* Narcan and Stop The Bleed Kits to hallways in facilities such as schools. This is great, but it starts to present a storage problem. No one really wants to have a whole herd of cabinets and cases on the wall - it's a lot of metal, it isn't cheap and there comes a point where we have to put this stuff back into a "first aid kit" of sorts. The LiveSafer system is based on the idea that there is a simultaneous need for both General First Aid and very specific supplies for the life threatening emergencies: Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Anaphylaxis, Opioid Overdose, Choking, Severe Bleeding and Asthma Attacks. We kept trying to think of a turn-key cabinet to meet this need, but the fact is, medication and devices can only be purchased or budgeted for when the facility management sees the need. We can't force them to prepare for ALL of these emergencies at once, just because we have a cabinet that holds everything. That is why this system is modular.
*No Medication Included - We Sell Empty Cases/Cabinets and You Obtain Your Own Medication
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