
Your AED should always be ready for either an adult or child sudden cardiac arrest. These single-use, non-polarized Pediataric Defibrillation Pads are used with Defibtech Lifeline VIEW/ECG/PRO AEDs. The Pediatric pads are intended for use on a child less than 8 years old and weighing less than 55 lbs. The pediatric pads automatically adjust and reduce the energy delivered through defibrillation to the child. The Pediatric Pad Package has a 2-year shelf life and should be used only with software versions 1.203 or later.
This package contains one-pair of child/infant defibrillation pads for use with the Lifeline AED. Pads should be stored connected to the AED or in the available carrying case. Pad package has a 2-year shelf life. For DDU-100 Series
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