Mr. JOginder (joe) Lall
Vice Chairman, Chief Technology Officer, and Co-founder
Appointed 2003

Mr. Joginder (Joe) Lall is the Vice Chairman, Chief Technology Officer & co-founder of AED Professionals a General Medical Devices, Inc. company. He’s developed the company’s brand name and website.
Before joining his current position, he managed the planning and construction of steam, combustion, and nuclear power plants worldwide for Westinghouse Electric Corporation under contract from the United States Department of Energy (DOE). As a Senior Manager and project planning engineer, he traveled the world by request of the US Government to help US cities, as well as foreign countries, have electricity. Prior to this Joe worked at Dupont as a senior engineer saving the world with lifesaving fibers.
Joe has a master’s degree in multiple disciplines in Engineering from NC State. He started his education by becoming an industrial engineer but now holds mechanical, electrical, textile, and nuclear engineering degrees. He received his MBA from Temple University’s Fox School of Business. He graduated number two in his class behind his wife and now boss Mrs. Kay Lall.